Worthy Magazine Rack

Thursday, September 29, 2011



Wednesday, Amazon- the world's largest online retail outlet, announced the latest upgrade of its original kindle e-reader. The company showed off a new, color kindle named the Kindle Fire and the tablet world has been ablaze ever since. Bloggers were very quick to introduce the moniker, IPAD KILLER into discussions of the 7 inch tablet's future but I believe that most discussions have missed Amazon's true intent, entirely. Most tech writers have focused on the potential sales profitability of the Kindle Fire but the sales potential of the new kindle is a short term concern,and Amazon is a company that plays the long game. Most tech blogs have missed the mark entirely. The Kindle Fire isn't going to kill the iPad but it may save it's competitors.

Most writers have asserted that the Kindle Fire is going to destroy the market of android tablets, but they are wrong. The Kindle Fire has opened the only window of opportunity any of the other android tablets have seen, since their failed debuts. Among tablet watchers, a saying has developed: " There is no tablet market. There is an iPad market". This hackneyed truism is unfortunately very accurate. When ever I happen to see a person with an android tablet, a small part of me whispers.....why? Why would you buy an android tablet? The interfaces have been clunky and confusing and most importantly, the content is largely lacking. Despite the potential of tablets for content creation, they have largely become synonymous with content consumption and any tablet without a robust ecosystem behind it, has seemed like an irrational purchase for most consumers. The non-iPad market has consisted largely of apple haters and android fanatics. Most consumers have not been willing to tolerate the smaller app choice, the chaotic google market, and the awkwardness of Android, in general. It is easy to see why analysts would see the phoenix-like rise of the Kindle Fire as the death of the other Android tablets, but this is short sighted.

What the analysts have missed is that Amazon solves most of the other the problems with the failing android tablet market. Instead of seeing amazon as the competitor, amazon will eventually be seen as the savior. Consumers crave content. They want apps in an easily navigable market. They want large music libraries,books and magazine subscriptions. And they want it from a company they can count on to supply that content, in the years to come. Whereas Samsung, HP, ASUS, Sony and all of the other manufacturers, lack satisfactory markets for content, I believe that amazon can, and eventually will supply the content that will make these alternative tablets a success.

Amazon has never envisioned itself as the next great computer manufacturer. The Kindle has always been a loss leader for the online supermarket. The kindle and now the kindle fire, are simply a means to an end. Amazon wants one thing only; a huge, consistent consumer base that relies entirely on amazon as a convenient-one stop shop for virtually every potential purchase. Even if consumers of the kindle fire or the amazon app store don't consume large amounts of cloud based services, amazon wants them to have the habit of turning to the online store first. It is in Amazon's best interest to offer it's music, tv, and app services on as many devices as possible, if only to reinforce that habit. Instead of seeing Amazon as an apple competitor it makes more sense to see Amazon as a Netflix competitor or direct competitor with the iTunes division of apple. Netflix doesn't care about being loyal to a particular device, they just want people to buy movies from them. Amazon will have much of the same attitude.

Amazon wants to sell millions of the Kindle Fire, but they want to sell many more movies, songs and apps. Supplying content is Amazon's primary concern, not selling the hardware. Android tablet makers will eventually realize this and make amazon the defacto iTunes/App store for Android Tablets. Add to this the possibility that Amazon may eventually allow others to distribute and use it's custom Silk Browser. Silk, is an advanced split web browser that offers consumers a faster web experience, but it offers amazon an unprecedented amount of data about the user of the browser. This data helps Silk predict user interests but it will likely help companies target adds to consumers. Amazon's real interest with Silk is the information it provides them about consumers. The data is simply another product for Amazon to sell. Silk, like the Kindle Fire is simply a means to Amazon's ultimate end. The only thing left for android tablet manufacturers to do, is follow Amazon's lead, and fork android into an attractive user interface (amazon might even be willing to help).

In the near future, consumers will be less choosy about who they buy their tablets from because they will all function in much the same way and they will all have access to the same content. The Kindle Fire won't kill the iPad, but it will make it possible for a real competition to ensue. Amazon will bring balance and equilibrium back to the computing market, essentially restoring consumer purchasing patterns to the way things were, before the iPad came along. In the end, Apple will once again become the manufacturer of the premium variety of the pc-like product, with Android tablets as the somewhat cheaper, mildly more accessible and less elitist alternative (at least until Windows 8 is finished).

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Fearless Issue Is Out


We have an amazing editorial from Andre Samuels
A great review from our music editor William J. Kennedy
And a nice feature of a designer you need to know and so much more. It's a must read.

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How to: Bounce Back After a Breakup


Kaira Traver is our online contributing writer and here are some tips she has on How to Bounce Back After a Breakup.
So you’ve been dumped or maybe for some of you, you’re the dumpee. Either way, you’re fresh out of a relationship. Ending a relationship can be one of the hardest times for some women. You’re filled with emotions, questions and sometimes remorse. But ladies, although it may feel like it, it’s not the end of the world.

So what do you do now? As for everything else, different things will work for different people but everyone could use a little help now and then. Here are some do’s and don’ts to help you get over your newly single slum.

1-   DON’T keep it bottled up – Cry, scream, get angry, and just get it out. One of the worst things you can do when a relationship ends is to keep all those emotions inside. If you’re like most women, you’re going to be hurt and then it’s pretty much inevitable where you’ll eventually get pissed. Just don’t hold it in.

2-   DO delete – Delete his number.  Delete his texts. Delete his e-mails and do something that I like to call, “Facebook cleansing for the heart”. Delete him as your friend. Let’s be honest, you’re going to look and see what he’s up to, any chance you get. How are you supposed to heal and move on if you’re constantly checking up on him and looking at his wall to see who he’s talking to? Do yourself a favor and just cut him out of your life completely until you’re over him. If you ever decide you want to try a friendship later down the road, make sure you’re ready and that you can honestly handle being just friends.

3-   DON’T rethink your decision – When we’re left to our emotions, it’s easy to spend a lot of time thinking. For some, they focus on all of the positive things about an ex or the relationship and don’t really think about what they should be… the bad things. Obviously the bad things are why the relationship didn’t work out in the first place, right? Think about all the problems your relationship had and remember that if it didn’t work out it’s probably for the best.

4-   DO hang out with the girls - Being in a relationship probably means that you haven’t spent as much time with your closest friends and family as much as you wanted to. This is the perfect time to have a family dinner or round up the girls for a ladies night. If you’re feeling like a Sex and the City night out on the town with the girls, drinking cosmos, go for it; or better yet, a quiet night in with wine, so you can catch up on what’s going on in each other’s lives. Talk to them. They’re there for you. That’s what friends are for.

5-   DO find inspiration – It may seem silly, but finding something that inspires you can really help you bounce back from a bad break-up. Finding things you can relate to emotionally can help you a great deal. You can do this by listening to music, reading a book or even daily inspirational quotes. A free, easy way that you can find inspiration is by following inspirational quote accounts on twitter. They update their accounts daily to constantly shed some positive light on your days.
6-   DON’T sulk – We’ve all been there. All you want to do is sit in your room alone, watching slasher films with the only two men that matter at the moment, Ben & Jerry. But the best way to get out of your head is be active. Your emotions can take a toll on your body. Sulking can make you sad, tired and lazy. When you’re active, it releases endorphins and it can improve your mood. In order for you to feel better, your body has to feel better. So get off the couch and get active!

7-   DO try something you’ve always wanted to do – Getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new can be scary and exciting. But it can also keep you busy and keep your mind off of the break-up. Join a club, go rock climbing, train for a marathon or anything else that you have a passion for. You never know you could end up with a new hobby and meet some new and interesting people.

8-   DO make a change – If you’re brave enough, do something drastic. Dye your hair or give it a new do. Reinventing yourself is one of the most fun ways to shake off the old and move on with the new. If drastic isn’t for you, maybe try a new wardrobe. Try something that will make you feel sexy and good about you. If you look good, chances are you’ll feel good too. Are you on a tight budget? You can search online on great ways to make stylish new outfits out of items you can find in your very own closet. Get crafty and be creative!

9-   DON’T lose your faith in other people – Just because one person let you down does not mean that everyone will. I’m not going to lie, there is a possibility that you may go through another break up. But eventually you will find the perfect person and someday you’ll look back and realize that everything you went through got you to where you are today. All you can do is remember that there is a good and a bad side to everyone.

1-   DO get back out there – Once you’ve dealt with the emotions, have plenty of “you” time and when you think that you’re ready to get back on the dating scene, do it. Take what you learned from your past relationship and allow it to help you grow in a new one. Who knows, this next guy could be “the one”.
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Going Natural And The Big Chop


So the season of natural hair has clearly not been a phase. More and more ethnic women are going back to the natural texture of their hair. So as you say goodbye to the relaxers and texturizers and prepare for "The Big Chop," assistant editor Monica Thorpe has some advice for you. 

This past summer was the season of locs, twist and all things natural. Going natural is a very exciting but can also be a confusing and difficult time. The most confusing part is transitioning from relaxed hair to kinks and curls especially if you don't know what you are doing. A lot of women find it easier to start over by cutting the permed or chemical processed hair out while for others the “big chop” isn’t necessary.  According to, treasuredlocks.com during the transition period you can either keep the permed hair at the end of the natural hair that’s coming in and try to minimize the breakage. Or you can do what many women have done and do the “big chop” and cut the relaxed hair off. However, they advise women to not wear styles where too much hair combing is involved because this will minimize breakage.  “I went natural because I wanted to start over so my hair could grow longer and healthier,” said Tiffany Cameron who has been natural for over a year. Just like most women in the same situation as Tiffany, starting over was a great decision. Since going natural she has found it easier to maintain her hair and also has found a new form of confidence in herself. I recommend before making that huge decision of starting over its best to educate yourself more about not only going natural but what products are good for your hair as well. Enjoy your natural hair journey!
Ways to keep your natural look fab!
    (According to Curltopia.com…the curly hair boutique)
  1. Trim your natural hair every 8-12 weeks and transitioning hair should be trimmed every 4 weeks by a professional to promote healthy hair growth.
  2. Do not wash your hair too often because it may become dry and fizzy if shampooed too often as this rubs the natural oils off the hair and scalp.
  3. Do not use oils (coconut, olive) to moisturize your hair because oils sit on the hair which means your hair isn’t benefiting from the moisturizer because the oils don’t reach the inner cortex of the hair shaft.
  4. Use a daily moisturizer and a shampoo that’s sulfate –free because a shampoo with sulfate will strip all natural oils from your hair. Shampoo with sulfate in it has suds, similar to suds in dish detergent. Dish detergent strips oil and shampoo with sulfate will strip your hair.
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Fashion Week Coverage Ray Vincente Fashion Show

 Our shoe doctor Tamanika Finikin, Has been sending her favorite fashion discoveries through out Mercedes Benz New York Fashion Week. She attended a fashion show for a designer that you should know about, Ray Vincente enjoy.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Demi Lovato is UNBROKEN


Although Demi Lovato is done with television, she isn’t done with recording music! She released her hit single, Skyscraper, in July and her full album, Unbroken, is scheduled to be released on September 20. Skyscraper made it to the Top 100 on iTunes and it has reached out to many fans worldwide.

Unbroken is intended to be more radio friendly and a pop style compared to her past two albums, Here We Go Again & Don’t Forget. Here We Go Again and Don’t Forget contained great songs with no featured artists. But Unbroken contains many other popular pop artists such as Missy Elliot, Timbaland, Dev, Iyaz, and Jason Derulo.

Many of us know that Demi Lovato has gone through a lot, including going to rehab in the middle of the “Camp Rock Tour”. The lyrics of the songs in Unbroken are not just lyrics to memorize and sing at her concerts but it is her way of expressing how she feels at this point in her life. She is now in good condition and although she is nervous to go back on stage, it is a way of saying, ‘Thank You’ to fans that have supported her all the way.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fashion Week Worthy Street Style

Fashion Week Worthy Street Style courtesy of our Shoe Doctor Tamanika.

We love this look.

Everyone looks amazing.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Fashion Week At A Glance

Fashion Week is still pressing on and we are happy to say that we have some photos coming in from valued contributors to the magazine who were lucky enough to experience the fashion fun. Enjoy some of these photos from Fashion Week.
Mackage Spring 2012 presentation during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at the Hudson Hotel 

Custo Barcelona 2012 fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion...
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Live Runway


While going through my YouTube journey, which I have not been able to do lately, I found this amazing channel! Although you may not be able to attend a fashion week in person YouTube has opened the doorway for people to be able to attend and sit front and center from their homes. There are no more worries about getting access, paying high prices or not getting great seats to watch the show. With this channel you are now sitting in VIP, with all the hottest designers and celebrities, while enjoying the comforts of being at home. What more could you ask for?

I love fashion a little more than I lead people to believe, or maybe I have grown to love fashion more. Honestly, my mother is...was a fashion designer when we lived in New York, so I do have a level of respect for fashion. It has taken me a long time to grow to enjoy fashion shows, other than the spectacular designs and performances at the Victoria Secret Fashion Shows that I have only watched once or twice.
Maybelline® New York: The Face of Fashion  
As the Official Makeup Sponsor of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, Maybelline New York is proud to bring the excitement and energy of the runway to all women, everywhere, by presenting live streaming fashion shows on YouTube Live from the Runway.
Season after season, Maybelline New York takes trends from the catwalk to the sidewalk. Empowering women to make a statement. Explore new looks, experiment without risk, flaunt their own artistry.
http://www.facebook.com/maybelline http://www.twitter.com/maybelline       http://maybelline.tumblr.com/

To keep it simple hurry up and go watch before the stream stops.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011


I would never consider myself an impulsive person but lately I have been called just that! And ironic enough I have found a clothing line that is an IMPULSE! I love it. 
Karl Lagerfeld has brought a limited edition fashion line to Macy*s, which means the prices are affordable and the clothes are attainable! The clothing line is everything that I am: Simple and Sexy.  I love the idea that one clothing line has Business Casual Couture for my professional side, Casual Couture for those laid back days and other items that are just must haves. The website only gave a sample of the line but I already know that it will be on everyone's wish list. 

Watch this Video: Behind The Scenes 2 to get to know Karl Lagerfeld a little bit better.
And below is a glimpse of his Impulse.

There is also an Impulse line for men, by Sean Sullivan of The Impossible Cool. The line covers all of its bases for what a man could possibly be looking for. From a professional side to the comfortable casual wear that is all sexy. The only way to view his line is through Macy*s

Watch this Video: Behind The Scenes 2 to see Sean Sullivan create a line that man will be wearing soon.

I can't deny that I already have the Impulse to buy.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

T.I. Goes Back To Jail


Just one day after being released from Federal Correctional Center in Forest City, Arkansas, rapper T.I. was removed from the halfway house in which he was to serve the remainder of his sentence and placed back into federal custody due to his choice in transportation. His current sentence is the result of a drug related parole violation that came after initially serving time on weapons charges. According to federal prison officials, T.I. led them into falsely believing that his mode of transportation from prison to the Atlanta, Georgia halfway house would be more discrete than the luxury tour bus in which he ultimately traveled. Apparently this was enough to warrant sending U.S. Marshals to pick him up and move him to another facility. 

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Worthy's Watches of The Week


Worthy Magazine's renaissance man, Marcus Williams, is back with another installment of worthy watches. Enjoy.

This first watch is apparently just a concept watch at the moment, however, it is way too cool to leave out. The Aurora watch is faceless and also backless. “Well, how do you know what time it is?” you may be asking yourself. With just one touch two beams of light appear to indicate the time. The red laser shows the minute and the blue displays the hour. I don’t know if we will ever actually see this particular watch on the market, but if so I will be the first in line to get one… Or two.

The HLQ series of watches from Hautlence is simply beautiful. The HLQ 6 is my personal favorite within this series. This timepiece looks as if it could double as a time machine. It features a combination of rose gold and black gold on the case and a hand stitched strap made from Louisiana alligator. Though the look seems complex, this watch is very practical and easy to read with separate dials for hours, minutes, and seconds. The HLQ is not at all bulky and yet the depth it displays is amazing. Make your way to http://www.hautlence.com in order to explore this watch further and to locate retailers in your area.

Tag Heuer’s Monaco V4 is a watch with plenty of personality. It is one of the watches featured in Steve Mcqueen’s Racing Series. It is simple in its symmetry yet complex in its mechanisms. It functions like a traditional automatic watch though it is the first watch to driven by belt transmission. The hands are the only things that are common about the face of this watch. It features the traditional minute and hour hands together with a separate second hand dial so time should be easy enough to tell, if u can take your eyes off the surrounding details long enough to actually focus on reading the time. And to insure that you remain as fixated on its inner workings as possible, both sides of the beveled sapphire crystal has been given anti-reflective treatment. If you are interested in acquiring one of your own, check out http://www.tagheuer.com

The Ora Unica, designed by Denis Guidone, began as just another concept watch. Now it is actually on the market brought to you by NAVA Design. It is a minimalist’s dream watch. It is very simple and so artistic it looks as if it should be mounted on a wall rather than worn on someone’s wrist. At first glance, reading the time may seem complicated. However, it is very easy to determine the time as the inner end of the circular line points to the hour and the outer end points to the minute. Owning one of these works of wrist art will cost you between $130 and $150 which is pretty reasonable. To purchase one for yourself or as a great gift to someone special go to https://www.speranzaonline.com.

The last watch is just dandy. Or rather, it is the Dandy, from French watchmaker Chaumet. I literally sat and just stared at this one for a few minutes. It’s just too beautiful in my opinion, never mind the title. It has a jumping hours window on the left side and a seconds dial on the right. It has a black patent leather and satin tuxedo strap and a solid 18k rose gold case. There is not much more to say about this piece. Just look at it. And when you’re done you can visit http://www.chaumet.com for more on this watch.

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Lady Gaga vs Lady Cathy Horyn

Lady Gaga recently took her gloves off to pen a few comments about Cathy Horyn for her column at V magazine, according to an article from Elle magazine. The New York Times fashion critic recently criticized Versace’s excitement over dressing Gaga writing, “Be choosier, Ms. Versace.” While Gaga makes no mention of the incident, she does take the opportunity to attack Horyn's approach to criticism. “It’s much more challenging to reckon with and analyze a work. It requires research, but maybe no one does their research anymore.” Gaga goes on to encourage Horyn to “employ a more modern and forward approach to criticism, one that separates [her] from the average individual at home on their laptop.”
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Elle Magazine's Secret

The secret is out for an upcoming issue of Elle magazine. The issue will be offered in four different covers with each one featuring a Victoria's Secret model. The roster includes Chanel Iman, Adriana Lima, Miranda Kerr and Doutzen Kroes.

Are you excited?
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First Lady on the cover of Essence

First Lady Michelle Obama looks flawless on the October issue of Essence. Seriously, we are drooling. In the October issue, she confesses that there is no magic to getting to where she is now. The message is an encouraging one for those who aren't afraid to dream big.

“My story to young people around this country and around the world is, Don’t look at me as the First Lady first; look at me as Michelle Obama, a girl who grew up on the South Side of Chicago. Because I was there, and this is attainable. There is no magic to this. It is hard work….”
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Seeing Stars Worthy or Not?

Nicki Minaj was recently featured in the Ocotber Issue of Glamour magazine. We love all of the looks but we couldn't help but notice that the Dolce and Gabbana star number that the lyrical artist  wore was worn by Zoe Saldana when she appeared on Le Grand Journal.   
Saldana wore it back in May, but we had to ask can the two be compared? Or did each celeb do a superb job at making it their own?                                                                                                          

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