Worthy Magazine Rack

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

RICK SANTORUM WINS 2 STATES: Romney Campaign Reeling, Gingrich Defiant!

Rick Santorum has dealt a serious blow to the Mitt Romney campaign. Santorum, has subsisted on nearly nonexistent campaign funds, while his primary opponent outspent him 3:1. Tonight, Santorum has scored two significant wins in the race for the GOP Primary. Alabama and Mississippi, held primaries today and both voted to support Rick Santorum. Mitt Romney, the much ballyhooed front runner, came in third in both races. But it's the Gingrich campaign that is most in peril by the Santorum Surge. Gingrich and Santorum have been splitting the conservative, anti-Romney vote in nearly every state. Their nearly equal split of the conservative block has created an open path for Mitt Romney to win the nomination. Pundits have suggested that if one of the two, were to drop out, Mitt Romney would face a nearly insurmountable wall of conservative opposition. In short, Mitt Romney's candidacy exists because the conservative block is not unified. Gingrich will soon face a chorus of conservative voices, demanding that he drop out of the race, in order to stop Mitt Romney. In a pre-emptive strike against such criticism, Gingrich was defiant and assured his supporters that he will not be exiting the race and that he would see them all in Tampa (this year's home of the Republican convention)! Tonight was a crushing blow for the Gingrich campaign and an anxiety inducing moment for the Romney camp. It's clear the Mitt Romney is not accepted by the traditional base of the GOP. If the Former Governor of the liberal state of Massachusetts, intends to attain victory in the conservative party, he will have to invent a new path towards victory!


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